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Why should you invest in Piemonte
Which are the advantages to make business with Piedmontese companies

The experience of

  • foreign entrepreneurs that choose Piemonte to invest, locate or to make business
  • Piedmontese companies developing their business on international markets.

Foreign companies in Piemonte

Afshin Demenh, Saniterra International
Hanno Airas, Novosan Oy
Fernando Zubiaur, Kyrya Group
Ashish Ahlawat, Burton
Dar Reiss Depp, RDmanagement Group
Sallyanne Holmes, Holmes Interiors
Mitch Loo, Capsule Pharma
Roger Chan, Metagroup
Giuseppe Barile - Vice Presidente, Webasto
Liviu Mihu - Electronics Engineering Center Senior Manager, Pierburg
Werner Hoelzl - Gebauer & Griller
Kristine Horrak e Alar Hakmann
Srdjan Popovic, AL GROSSO
Anja Djurovic, DELTA DMD
Mohamed Mohsen - ORASCOM a Cleantech and Building - Torino, 23-24 novembre 2016 (video)
Timisela Zunguze - Centralgrid Solar, November 2016
Nizar Al Akra - ICC a Cleantech and Building, November 2016
Reza Palevani - Portav a Cleantech and Building, November 2016
Josephine Bridges - AHR Global 
Ahmed Faissal - PTS Progressive Technical Services, June 2016 
Vinod A.M. - Galfar Engineering & Contracting SAOG, June 2016
Rajendiran Balaji - Micronel Global Engineers, June 2016
Marina Khe, Saks Fifth Avenue Kazakhstan - May 2016
Silvio Rossignoli - Aero Sekur Spa, July 2014
Rita Bussi - RBM Merck Serono Research Institute, April 2014
Bryn Jones - Trilix, January 2014
Franco Merlo - TurboCare, October 2013
Stephan P. Elsner - Bonprix Italia, July 2013
Roberto Anzola - ISIS Papyrus srl, April 2013
Stefano Berruto - Pasta Berruto SpA, October 2012
Fulvio Vernetti - A. Raymond Italiana Srl, July 2012
Kristine Horrak e Alar Hakmann - Hortus Medicus at Made in Piemonte Design & Luxury - Torino, 11-12 June 2018
Srdjan Popovic, AL GROSSOat Made in Piemonte Design & Luxury - Torino, 11-12 June 2018
Anja Djurovic, DELTA DMD at Made in Piemonte Design & Luxury - Torino, 11-12 June 2018

Focus: Acquisition of local companies by foreign groups
Roberto Peiretti - Managing Director Italy Tekfor, October 2014
Chris Dixon - Chief Executive Officer Silatech, October 2014

Local companies abroad

Gabriella Giordano, Carlo Pignatelli
Livio Trucano - IDEST Srl, February 2015
Michael Robinson - ED Design Srl, July 2014
Riccardo Pesce - Poligrafico Roggero & Tortia Spa, April 2014
Filippo Sertorio - Farmaceutici Procemsa SpA, January 2014
Ivan Nodari - Hydro Energia, October 2013
Francesco Ronchi – Synesthesia, July 2013
Bruno Bellerio - Regola srl e Consorzio Mosaico, March 2013

-> More interviews (in Italian)