Ceipiemonte is a partner of EIT-Food INSPIRE and DRAF Deeptech Revolution in AgriFood, training initiatives to support innovation in the agro-industrial sector.
EIT-Food INSPIRE is an Education Programme that brings together students, universities, research institutes, entrepreneurs and professionals in the AgriFood sector; the aim is to train future generations of entrepreneurs for an innovative, resilient and sustainable food system. It is aimed at university students, recent graduates, young people interested in specialising in agri-food topics and companies interested in supporting the training of younger generations.
DRAF Deeptech Revolution in AgriFood is a professional and development programme that deepens the skills to orientate oneself in the evolving landscape of AgriFood Technology. It is aimed at professionals, entrepreneurs, managers and business operators, aspiring entrepreneurs (including students), PhD students and researchers.
Ceipiemonte's mission in both areas is to support companies in preparing and equipping themselves to best meet the future challenges of sustainability in the Agri-Food system by fostering the creation of a transnational community of good practices.
Workshops for companies
Training, meetings with experts, thematic updates on Agri-Food for entrepreneurs, managers, business operators and professionals.
The Education Programme of 2025 INSPIRE Schools
9 Schools are dedicated to specialized agri-food topics and different levels of knowledge and background; classes are in English, online, face-to-face, blended learning. The courses offer: access to new knowledge on the latest trends and innovations in Agri-Food, exploration of practical solutions, strengthening of skills, development of start-up ideas for a sustainable food system, contact with stakeholders and participants from other European countries.
Target group: university students, recent graduates, young people starting their careers, professionals and business operators.
Registrations are now open! For information and application deadline please look at the box below and click on the link for each School (each School has different dates).
Restorative Aquaculture
A 3-week intensive programme which provides training and theory in seaweed farming, finfish, shellfish and algae biology, culturing, growth and molecular and metabolite analysis.
Modalities: online and in-presence (in Oban, West Coast Highlands, UK).
Dates: 13/10 - 11/11/2025
Registration deadline: 15/09/2025 h. 09:00
Info and registrations
Healthy Soil4Life
A 3-week programme which offers training in soil health, soil microbiology, eco-friendly farming practices towards sustainable and climate farming agriculture through the development of innovative business solutions
Modalities: online and face-to-face
Dates: 30/06 -11/07/2025 (online) and 28/07-01/08/2025 (face-to-face in Portugal)
Registration deadline: 15/06/2025
Info and registrations
Sustainable Food Production and Consumption
A 3-week programme offering training on the sustainability of the food system (circular systems) and access to healthier diets (alternative proteins) through digital innovation. Focus on: challenges on sustainable agriculture, alternative proteins and circular food systems.
Modality: online
Dates: 15/09 - 03/10/2025
Registration deadline: 31/08/2025
Info and registrations
Circular AgriFood
A 3-week programme which offers an in-depth understanding of principles and practices of circularity, sustainability and innovation to encourage the development of solutions for real-world challenges in the agrifood sector.
Modalities: online and in-person (in Arruda-dos-Vinhos, Portugal)
Dates: 08-19/09/2025 (online) + 29/09-03/10/2025 (in-person, Portugal)
Registration deadline: 31/07/2025 (early bird: 30/06/2025)
Info and registrations
Digital Technologies in the Food System
A 4-week programme which illustrates the ongoing challenges of the Food System and future scenarios of technological development in agriculture and food industry and offers an in-depth understanding of the principles of circularity and state-of-the-art technologies in agri-food systems.
Modalities: online and face-to-face (Arruda-dos-Vinhos, Portugal)
Dates: 8/09-19/09/2025 (online) and 29/09-3/10/2025 (face-to-face)
Registration deadline: 31/07/2025 (early bird 30/06/2025)
Info and registrations
Deep Tech and Regenerative Agriculture
A 3-week programme which offers a comprehensive view of the principles, practices and innovative technologies that are shaping the future of regenerative agriculture.
Modality: online
Dates: 09-27/06/2025
Registration deadline: 06/06/2025
Info and registrations
The short online course provides the essential knowledge needed to foster innovation and entrepreneurial skills: from identifying the problem to be solved, to finding funding. The course is a guide to the basics of launching a new enterprise.
Modality: online (asynchronous)
Dates: asynchronous mode, easy to take the course at one’s own pace
Registration deadline: free course available online until 31/12/2025
Info and regitrations
Student Entrepreneurship for an Agri-Food Ecosystem Recovery (SAFER)
The programme offers knowledge and skills of entrepreneurship, agri-food sustainability and technologies shaping the food sector.to make a significant impact and address the critical challenges facing our ecosystems. It offers a unique opportunity to connect with global experts, local communities, and nature, co-creating actionable strategies to address the pressing challenges of climate change. It empowers participants to become leaders in sustainable food systems and climate action and serves as a powerful accelerator for their entrepreneurial ideas.
Modalities: Online and in-presence (Bootcamp option)
Dates: 12-29/05/2025
Registration deadline: 07/05/2025
Info and registrations
This course aims to equip participants with the skills and mindset necessary to thrive in innovation and entrepreneurship related to food systems. It is the continuation of the journey initiated by completing the Inspire Explore course (4 modules) and it allows to apply the knowledge and skills which have been developed before.
Participants share their business idea and compete to win a cash prize.
Modality: online
Entry deadline (submission of business idea): 30/11/2025 (compulsory to have completed the Inspire.Explore course)
Competition period for the best idea: 01/10-30/11/2025
Info and registrations
Watch the video on INSPIRE Schools
Is your company interested in collaborating with the Schools on the subject of sustainable development of Agri-Food?
We are looking for:
- Company testimonials
- Applications for jury evaluation
- Case study presentations
- Business challenges for students
- Internship offers
- Sponsorship
Write to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Survey: Agrifood companies have their say
The aim of the survey is to collect the needs and interests of Agri-Food companies in order to reorient initiatives dedicated to support professionals and entrepreneurs and accompany them to better manage the challenges of the future.
The questionnaire is available online - compilation time: a few minutes.
In-depth materials
The mission of EIT-FOOD: Improving Food together
EIT-FOOD Education Programme INSPIRE
For information:
Ceipiemonte Scpa
Elena Dall’Amico
Tel: +39 011 6700640
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.