Contenuti Principali
MENTOR 2 - Mediterannean Network for Training Orientation to Regular Migration
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To promote company internships in Italy (Piedmont and Milan Metropolitan City) for young graduates in Morocco and Tunisia through circular mobility schemes, with a twofold objective to offer:
- Italian companies a temporary high skilled and mother tongue human resource to support internationalization projects in Marocco and Tunisia
- Young Moroccan and Tunisian graduates a professionalizing experience in Italy to be capitalized on their return home
- High-skilled unemployed young people from Morocco and Tunisia, selected on the basis of the profiles required by Italian companies
- SMEs and Multinationals from Italy, Morocco and Tunisia
- Institutions (local, regional, national), job placement professionals, organizations representing the business world in Italy, Morocco and Tunisia
In favour of Italian companies:
- providing information on economic opportunities with Morocco and Tunisia, non-EU internship modalities (Art 27) and Cuntry-presentation Workshops
- Profiling of Italian companies interested in starting/strengthening economic/commercial collaborations with Tunisia and Morocco; collection and analysis of their needs in terms of profiles and skills
- Selection of Moroccan and Tunisian candidates, job interviews and matching between Italian candidates and companies
- Six-month internships in Italy and support to the companies internationalization project (internship allowance and perdiem covered by the project for nonmultinational companies)
- Networking actions between territories to promote sustainable models of circular and legal migration
In favour of Moroccan and Tunisian candidates and trainees
- Interviews and matching with Italian companies
- Pre-departure training of the selected candidates (Italian language and culture, soft skills)
- Six-month internships and training in Italy
- Post-return accompaniment to the trainees for job placement or self-entrepreneurship
Expected results
- 300 Italian companies involved in workshops, B2B, survey, matching with candidates and training on Diversity Managment
- 90 Moroccan/Tunisian candidates selected for a traineeship in Italy
- 50 candidates matched with Italian companies and accordingly trained
- 50 six-month traineeships in Italy
- 50 individual pathways fo reintegration
- 30 job placement professionals trained
- 100 representatives from local, regional, national and sivil society involved in the dissemination of results
July 2021 - June 2024
Territorial scope
Piedmont region, Milan metropolitan area, Morocco (Beni Mellal – Khenifra, Tangeri), Tunisia (Tunisi, Sfax)
- Municipality of Milano (main contractor)
- Municipality of Torino
- AFOL Milano (Metropolitan Milan City Job Agency)
- APL Agenzia Piemonte Lavoro (Piedmont Job Agency)
- ANOLF Association
- CESPI (Centre for International Politics Studies)
- Promos Italia
- Soleterre (non governemental organization)
Associated bodies
- ANAPEC, Morocco
- ANETI, Tunisia
For more information
Ceipiemonte Scpa
Elena Dall’Amico
Tel: +39 011 6700640
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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