Contenuti Principali
Piemonte Agency promotes international cooperation projects to encourage the exchange of knowledge, experiences and good practices on transversal themes, such as: support to entrepreneurship, social and gender policies, long-life-learning, active labour policies, CSR and sustainable development, diversity management, social and labour inclusion of migrants.
The Agency implemented, as a main applicant or partner, several of cooperation projects, funded by local/national government, EU and international agencies. Last projects implemented:
- ASTRA: Aiding and Supporting women to Trust their potential, Reach their goals and Achieve their career objectives (Erasmus+), 2022-2023
- MENTOR II: Mediterranean Network for Training Orientation to Regular Migration (ICMP/MPF), 2021-2024
- DIMICOME: DIversity Management and Integration - COmpetences of Migrants in the Labour market (AMIF), 2018-2021
- BREFE: Boosting REFfugees' access to Employment (Erasmus+), 2018-2021
- PRIMA: Project for labour integration of Migrants (AMIF), 2019-2020
- MENTOR: Mediterranean Network for Training Orientation to Regular Migration (ICMP/MPF), 2017-2018
- VHSM: Valorize High Skilled Migrants (Erasmus+), 2014-2016
- LOIEs: Lessons and Options for an Integrated European Approach to CSR (DG Employment, Social Affairs an Inclusion - EASI), 2012-2013
- ELOISE: Enhancing Labour Opportunities to Improve Social Environment (EuropeAid), 2010-2012